Fashion Revolution Week 2017 | 24-30 April

It's Fashion Revolution Week from 24–30 April and we're happy to shout from the rooftops about where our clothes are made and by who!
If 'revolution' sounds like a big scary word don't be daunted because to us, it's as simple as asking "Who made my clothes?". Transparency goes hand-in-hand with ethical manufacturing, as far as we're concerned, so we always ask questions of our suppliers and partners to get to the heart of how they do business.
We're know that well made clothes are the result of good working conditions and workers paid a living wage in a safe environment. And although the clothes speak for themselves, we never miss an opportunity to share the amazing work that our manufacturing partner OCC Apparel, and their amazing staff like Lucy and Johnson (pictured below), do for us.
Hands up in the air for Lucy and Johnson! This week, and always, we're celebrating the rad humans that help us add our voice to the #fashionrev.
Now, who are you going to ask #whomademyclothes?